On behalf of the WorkLife Program please accept this warm congratulations on the new addition to your family! The WorkLife Program is here to support your efforts as a parent and to assist you in balancing your family and work roles and obligations. In these files there is information to assist your transition back to work and/or the transition of juggling two very important jobs! If you have any questions or need further assistance please call the WorkLife Program at (805) 477-7234 or email at: worklife@ventura.org.

The County of Ventura Supports Breastfeeding!
Breastfeeding your baby is one of the most precious gifts you can give! The County encourages and supports moms to continue nursing their baby after their return to work. The WorkLife Program can assist in securing an appropriate lactation space at your work site. Please call or email prior to your return so your work site can accommodate you on your first day back. Your efforts to continue breastfeeding your baby after you return to work are important.
The County is committed to providing you with support in your breastfeeding efforts. Please take a look at the file titled “Returning to Work”. Inside this file you will find the County’s Lactation Accommodation Policy as well as information and tips on transitioning back to work and breastfeeding at work.
Breastfeeding Information for Mom

Breastfeeding Information for Dad
Maternal Mental Health