As an employer, the County of Ventura recognizes that in order to have a dedicated and productive workforce, employees need support in balancing their work and their life outside of work. The WorkLife Program promotes the family friendly services offered to County of Ventura employees. The list below shows some of the worklife benefits available to County of Ventura employees.
WorkLife Program
Child Care/Preschool Discount List
Over 70 licensed child care/preschool programs in Ventura County offer a discount to County employees. Proof of employment may be necessary to receive the discount at the time of enrollment. The Discount List updates on August 1st of each year.

Child Care Resources for Fall 2020
- Child Development Resources is the official resource and referral agency for Ventura County. Are you looking for child care? Use the CDR child care referral system to find the right provider.
- School districts in Ventura County are working on hosting/providing child care options on school grounds. Updates on school district plans, as it relates to child care, will be posted on the VC Marketplace – Employee Child Care Connection chat forum. VC Marketplace can be accessed through MyVCWeb (while logged into the County network), look for the VC Marketplace icon on the right side navigation bar. You will be prompted to enter your county email address and your organizational password. Then just look for the Employee Child Care Connection tile.
- Facebook – County of Ventura Employee Child Care Connection Group. This group will only consist of County employees. The group administrator may verify employment, if needed. This group is similar to the VC Marketplace group but is available for employees not on a County system and it is also available on a mobile device.

Lactation Accommodation Policy
The County of Ventura is recognized statewide as a “Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace”. The County strongly supports breastfeeding as a high priority for healthier babies by reasonably accommodating the lactation needs of employees on the job. All work sites have identified a designated or dedicated lactation room. For more information on the Lactation Accommodation Policy, contact the WorkLife Program at
Child Care/Preschool Discount List
Online Positive Parenting Benefit
The WorkLife Program has contracted with to provide a limited number of subsidized memberships per year for County employees.

Coastal Housing Partnership
The County of Ventura is a member of the Coastal Housing Partnership and County employees have several valuable housing benefits available to them. Learn about the home buying process and significantly reduce your closing costs. Renters can potentially save money too. Check out the link below to learn more.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Hall of Administration
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009